Fri, Nov 27
Circle of the Book
Ora e luogo
Nov 27, 2020, 7:00 PM
Informazioni sull'evento
It almost seems like a movie, the life of Zhu Xiao-Mei told in the book The secret piano recently published in Italy by Bollati Boringhieri, and instead there is nothing invented. Zhu Xiao-Mei, born in Shanghai and persecuted and interned for five years in a re-education camp on the border with Mongolia during the Maoist cultural revolution with the infamous guilt of belonging to the frowned circle of intellectuals, finds the necessary strength to survive the horrors thanks to the saving power of music. The story of Zhu Xiao-Mei unfolds through thirty chapters, as many as there are Goldberg Variations, Bach's masterpiece that today is the workhorse of the Chinese concert artist, who strongly advises her readers to listen to this music and read the great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. Two masters belonging to totally different cultures, but with similarities that have allowed her to find in herself the strength to change her own destiny.